速報APP / 運動 / Soccer Results

Soccer Results





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Soccer Results(圖1)-速報App

Results of Soccer is the fastest and practical application of live football results. Now you can live the best football in the European Championships and the Copa America live from the comfort of your Android smartphone or tablet. You will no longer lose any goals, all live. Now you will not miss any result of the selection of Spain football and all your favorite teams.

The application "Football Results" is completely free and includes the following features:

Soccer Results(圖2)-速報App

-alerts GOLES live and customizable

-RESULTS Live football - European Championship, Copa America and other championships ...

Soccer Results(圖3)-速報App

Complete all championships -CLASIFICACIONES

-Calendar Matches

Soccer Results(圖4)-速報App

-Statistics Matches live

Live -Comments

Soccer Results(圖5)-速報App

The Football Results application is the best and most complete, covering more than a thousand football competitions in the world. At any time you can find the results, standings and schedules for your favorite teams and championships from the comfort of your cell.

Rojadirecta Tv Online: Tarjetarojaonline, La Liga, Champions League, Barcelona vs Paris Saint Germain, Bayern Munich vs Porto, Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid and Monaco vs Juventus Live

Soccer Results(圖6)-速報App